When uploading results to Movemint using a CSV, upload each sub-event as a separate CSV. The title of the CSV will be the name of the result on the event page. For example, if you upload a CSV with the title, "10k", this is what will show as the header of the result. You can edit the name of your CSV in the results tool. To upload results using CSV:
Ensure the CSV's first row contains column headers (e.g.,
) for proper mapping. Include time and bib (if applicable) for each participant.Identify participants by either:
Providing a
(available by exporting participant data).Including
(female, male, non-binary, or blank if unknown), and age. Alternatively, use a dob column formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
Movemint uses each finisher's age and gender to assign them to the appropriate age group category. By default, categories are divided by gender (men, women, non-binary) and age groups (1-14, 15-19, 20-24, etc., up to 80+).
Each results file should correspond to a single event (e.g., 5k). For multiple sub-events, upload separate results files for each (e.g., one for 5k, another for 10k).
For events with multiple heats or a wide range of finishers, use the "Reupload Results" feature to maintain the results name and links while updating data.
Movemint provides helpful messages if there are issues parsing the results data.
An example CSV is available to ensure correct formatting.
To learn more about uploading results, see our how-to video here.
Last updated